Saturday, January 21, 2012


A night I was without sleep
It moved slowly like a year of leap...
I closed my eyes tight...
Started thinking something right...
Nothing came to my mind..
As in the exam hall...
I turned to my right...
Inorder to change my sight...
I heard some voice..
Which act as a good noise....
All terrible things rewinded..
I was searching for a stop button
But there was not even a pause button...
I rolled within my long, soft blanket..
Like a furry, flexxy cat within the basket..
At last I took my phone to chat...
My mom started shouting... 'Who is dat??'
Suddenly I kept my phone down..
Turned my body upside down...
Without knowing myself...
Even without anybody's help..
 I closed my eyes tight...  
And felt the arrival of the night...
I can realize the moral...
Without getting a scold from my mom...
I even can't able to sleep calm....

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