Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wanting it back!!!!

The place where I got scared  when I entered,
There I met the peoples who were there like mine,
Only I heard the sounds like rhythmic tone..
"Mummy! Mummy! don't leave me here!"
She didn't understood what I said?
She knew that I easily get attached,
My teacher who was there used to say me,
It's the place where your life 
started here with cry;
in the middle with joy;
and ended with joyful cry...
I didn't get her that day, but
now I used to think it onetime per day!
I felt hard to learn as A B C......
now it's the thing that I felt very easy.,
I just learnt what life is..
there I met the teachers who were brought the brightness to me,
there I met the idiots who were brought the lights to my life,
there I got to knew myself what i am,
Now, I am just crying at my Mom "to Leave me here",
but the life goes on, i ended my schooling there...
I want those days back...
i just missing my school...
missing it a lot!!!!
                                                                      ---- ABIDHA RUMANA.S---


  1. In my experience both as a student and a teacher at TBAKC, I have seen Hameedia students as capable as city students. Most of the first batch students are from your school. And amazing to see you girls having strong bond and love for your school and teachers. That school is indeed a lucky place to have you in its record.

  2. On behalf of all the hameedians, I thank you so much and surely the credit goes to our english teacher,SHAMEEMA...She not only carved our knowledge,but also our character..

  3. Fahima can you please tell something about you. I can't match your name with face. Your language is good. You have a second name or single name only? Just describe your features, let me try to get you. you can feel free to share anything here. Let us have fun and joy shared through language

  4. thank you maam.... and our teachers will be pleased to hear this word.. they are our back bone.... esp. our SHAMEEMA MISS..... SHE WILL BE VERY HAPPY FOR YOUR WORDS...
