Friday, March 23, 2012


     In a toy small city,there lived a two friends.They were very close friends that they share everything as they do,every thing as they feel,everything as they see and so on. They were very understandable in nature. But the fate is won. They left each other because of misunderstanding.They didn't meet each other even 2 years.While they leave they also made a big strong woodden box and placed it at the place where they meet each other,the messages what they want to share the things had been put inside the box.No one knows it except them.They wat to meet each other. Their hearts are fell of memories and emotions,their eyes are full of feelings and expcatations,it is painfull for them.
     years passed by,both were awaiting for the day to meet,but they can't meet at the same time.They were able to collect their gifts and memories.Though they nevermet each other.They only share their feelings and love forever.
        They don't know whether they meet again or not,but their friendship llives forever...............
                                                 LONG LIVE FRIENDSHIP FOREVER.........
                                                                                         V.Diwya Bharathi

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